All the pros have blogs, ergo....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diet Coke

The following goes for all "diet" junk foods. I'm sorry if you're a fan of them, I don't mean this as a personal affront, merely an observation... A very intense observation:

Diet Coke is stupid! Have a Coke or don't have a Coke. If you are concerned with the calories/sugar/yada yada, then perhaps you should be having a glass of refreshing water. Or milk.

That's all I have to say about that.

On a happier note, I had quite the good road ride today. I was finally able to take my day off, so I used the morning to run a few errands leaving my afternoon free for a ride. Road riding was my only option for today as my cross bike Duchess is all dressed up in roadie gear. My mountain bike Camille and my newly-acquired cross bike Ramona are single-speeds, effectively leaving them out of the picture as I would have to ride them to the trails in order to ride. reported 10mph winds out of the NW, which turned out to not be entirely (or even partially) true, but I nonetheless headed north and west.

Within only 40 minutes of the leaving my house, I was out in a totally unrecognized wilderness. I guess I've driven through the area a few times, but the countryside northwest of Amarillo is surprisingly hilly! I found myself in the small chainring far more than I would have expected. It turned out to be a really challenging ride of somewhere in the neighborhood of 45-50 miles (I don't know exactly, I guess I could Google it. I thought my computer was freaking out giving me unrealistically high speeds and distances so I reset it several times over the ride. The problem with this is I never saw the flashing KPH in the corner... The issue has since been resolved.)

Topped off the ride with some Frazzle Berries fro-yo (newest Hills Sport Shop jersey sponsor). It was delicious but a tad pricey. Maybe we'll get some coupons.

Preparation continues for 24 Solo. Suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.


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