All the pros have blogs, ergo....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goals: 2 Years Later

Never got that road win, or the 3-upgrades on road and track. Such is life. In the last two years I actually put the road bike away and I've been playing primarily in the dirt.
I did get that Expert upgrade on the mountain bike, though I prefer to race Single Speed. I also took up cyclocross and I'm lovin' it! At least I'm a 3 in some discipline...

Since moving to Amarillo, I won't have the opportunity to race TMBRA/TXBRA as much as I used to. My racing schedule will overall be much more sparse. As a result I will be really focusing on the few events I do this year.

Dirty Dozen - I did well in the Super 6 last year (1st ss, 5th overall) and this year I'm (we're) going for the win in the 3-4 person.

24 Hours in the Canyon - Again, I did relatively well in the 4-man open my first go-around (4th overall) and I'm aiming higher this year. Haven't decided if I will try 4-man, 4-person coed, 12 solo, or even 24 solo.

Cross Vegas - Last year I missed registration and this year I'd like to actually get in. Open race, huge field, small chance of doing well, but it would be AWESOME.

Camp Eagle - Won my age group in the Super D and got 3rd in the single speed class. I'd like to podium in the Men's Open Super D and at least repeat my SS result.

West Texas MTB Series - This past season didn't go as planned for me with a few course issues and DNFs. Next fall I'd like to be a bit more consistent and finish on the podium of a handful of Cat1 and SS races.

These are all I have on tap for now, but I'm sure I'll add more events as I learn of them.

Until next time (a few minutes from now),


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